May 07, 2010

UG Thesis-01

As my level four has started almost six months ago, I was supposed to choose a teacher for my thesis. So I did that in due time. I have Sifat and Tuhin in group, they are okay with me. That's good enough for me. We choose our head of the department as thesis supervisor, as we had chances for him. Now we are doing thesis under him.

Our topic is "small scale wind power generation for home based utilization". Though the
subject title dictates we should work with small scale power generation, our teacher insist continuously to think in broader scale. Therefore, we are in a dilemma and working without a plan.

Like most teacher in here, our thesis adviser is very busy with his departmental work, we cannot get a good amount of fruitful time from him, though I think he is giving as much time as he can out of his highly demanding time. After all, he is the head of the department.

We have collected some data from different sources and working with them at this moment.  Our adviser is supposed to leave his post in this June, we are hoping that we would be able to manage some more time from him. If we can, I really want to beleive, he will show us some effective guideline.

I will be posting updates on my thesis regularly, so if you want to know what I am doing, keep coming back.

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